Reaction de Lesley Choyce


Lesley Choyce

Pastille Boho-romantico en couleur

Zach and Ashley have been going out for a while, and things are going well—until Ashley finds out she is pregnant. She is angry and blames Zach. She wouldn’t be in this state if he hadn’t tried to take their relationship further than she wanted. Insistent at first on an abortion, she turns against Zach. Confused, Zach struggles with what he should do and what his responsibilities are. Coming to terms with the reactions of their families and friends, Zach realizes that this is a decision that he and Ashley must make together.


Lesley Choyce

Pastille Boho-romantico en couleur
Zach and Ashley have been going out for a while, and things are going well—until Ashley finds out she is pregnant. She is angry and blames Zach. She wouldn’t be in this state if he hadn’t tried to take their relationship further than she wanted. Insistent at first on an abortion, she turns against Zach. Confused, Zach struggles with what he should do and what his responsibilities are. Coming to terms with the reactions of their families and friends, Zach realizes that this is a decision that he and Ashley must make together.

Intérêts : ,

Nombre de pages : 98 p.

Type de document :

Format : Papier, Numérique

Langue : Anglais

Série de livre : Non

Livre jeunesse/adolescent : Lecture accessible

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